Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Ok, time for honesty.

Today is the 10th week I've been on Isagenix. Feels longer than that, but there it is.

I started at 215.8 and am currently 198.0, which is a total loss of 17.8 pounds. That's about 1.5 pounds a week, when you average it out, but that is a deceiving number. You see, I've been wavering between 202 - 198 pounds for the past 4 weeks or so. Therefore, all of that weight was lost in the beginning, and I haven't lost anything in 4 weeks.


I've called my Aunt and whined, she gave me a hard dose of reality: you can quit or stick with it and see what happens. I've emailed Jill Birth for advice, and (the doll that she is) she gave me a lot of suggestions to jump start my loss again. I'll be starting them today.

I've told myself that maybe I'm not doing everything I could be to obtain the best results, and (because this is an honesty post) I haven't been.

I HAVEN'T been SUPER STRICT every day with my eating
I HAVEN'T been SNACKING as I should be
I HAVEN'T been SLEEPING enough (my doing)
I HAVEN'T been OPTIMISTIC about this program since I hit my plateau
I HAVEN'T been CONSISTENT about taking my accelerator pills or Ionix
I HAVEN'T been MEASURING my progress
I HAVEN'T been EATING my meals/shakes/bars on schedule as instructed

So, I haven't really been doing EVERYTHING right, and that could be my problem.
I told myself that I was going to follow this protocol 100% because I always quit or tweak things to suit my desires and weaknesses.

I cannot allow that to happen again.

17.8 pounds is a lot. PERIOD

I need to get off the pity train, recognize that I am 17.8 pounds lighter than I was 10 weeks ago, stop making excuses and crying about the numbers...and just move forward. If I don't change then nothing else will...including the numbers on the scale and measuring tape.

I know what I need to do to succeed. I need to stop telling myself that I'm doing everything right, when I know I "cheat" at times and don't follow the program precisely as it was written.

If I fail, it is my fault, and frankly...FAILURE is NOT an option.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Breaking the cycle

Wow! There were 3 negative/depressing posts in a row. 3 posts detailing about all the things I've done wrong and how I've failed myself.

Well, not this one!

This post is to journal the good things. The decisions I've made that were good. Because, after all, there cannot be "bad" unless there is a "good", right?

In the (almost) 2 months I've been on the Isagenix program, I....

  • haven't had a single fast food meal. Not one. My family occasionally insists on bringing the mouth watering, but oh so bad for you, "food" home...but there is never a meal for me. I say NO. I opt to drink a shake or eat a bar. And that makes me proud.
  • haven't had a sip of soda...or anything other than water, for that matter. HOLLAH
  • have made a conscious effort to work out at least 3 times a week
  • have noticed my clothes fitting more loosely
  • have been so aware of everything I eat. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G
  • have been trying to accept that this is a new lifestyle...not diet...and that it is what will ultimately get me to my goal weight of 150
  • have taken a liking to the shakes and snacks
  • have cleansed at least 1 day every week
  • have FINALLY dropped into the 100's again.
While they may be small victories...they ARE victories. I, for one, am so thrilled to be on the road to health and happiness.