This is not good.
I've been allowing myself to eat baked tortilla chips and salsa as part of my meals, rationalizing the chips as my carbs and the salsa as my veggies. I've been allowing myself to be careless with my eating schedule, which in turn ignites my hunger pangs to become ravenous, thus willing me to over eat.
This is not good.
I've been more relaxed and prone to temptation when it surfaces, and even noticed once that I was eating while in conversation just because the snack food was out! Oy vey!!
This is not good!
I have suffered the consequence for my nonchalant and reckless attitude; I haven't lost a single ounce in 2 weeks.
Zip. Zilch. Nada. And, I know, it is completely MY fault.
One thing that is good however, is that I recognize it. I own it. I am accountable and ready to self correct. Ready to get back on the horse and act as though this is my first week, not my 5th. Ready to take my weaknesses and errors and play them to my advantage by revamping my routine.
Alterations will be as follows
- Typically, based solely on the day I started Isa, my cleanse days are Wednesday & Thursdays. Not anymore. Weekends are the days when I actually spend a little time at home, thereby allowing myself to make poor choices due to bountiful temptations. Therefore, the weekends are now going to be my new cleanse days.
- I am a snacker. There, I've said it. I like to snack at social gatherings, when my kids and I get home and start homework, when I watch TV... While I can subdue MOST of these urges/habits, there are times when snacking is beneficial to my body as well as my in between my shake/meal/shake. Therefore, every weekend, while I'm cleansing, I will prepare pre-measured snack bags of items allowed items that are suitable for snacking (almonds, apples, walnuts, isa delights). Why snack baggies? Because, for me, convenience is key.
- It is easy for me to get discouraged and lose sight of my ultimate goal when I don't SEE radical and daily results. I know that is unrealistic, still, it's the truth. I made a vision board to help inspire me every morning and to remind me that I can do this. The sale is NOT my friend. No, it is not. I promised to only weight myself once a week, but I lied. I really need to hold true to that promise and only weigh in on measure days, which is every 2 weeks. A bit brash? Perhaps. But it is definitely what I need.
- Since I am so easily discouraged and tend to lose focus, I made a vision board. It will be posted, much to my husband's dismay, on our bathroom mirror. I need to see it every morning; to read the words that I feel motivate and compel me to be my best "me". I will also write little post it notes in subtle and hidden spots to remind me when, let's say, I open the chip cabinet, that should I make that choice, I will be sabotaging myself. Little phrases like, "It takes an hour of brisk walking to burn off a handful of chips. Is it worth it?
- While many people tend to make excuses for their inability to exercise CLAIMING that they don't have time, I really don't have time. Therefore, I need to figure a way to squeeze it into my very well organized and full schedule. Excuses are just reasons for people who don't want to try. That isn't me. I can walk/jog during my son's football practice and when my daughter is in her dance class. There. Problem solved.
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